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- martin on Outlander PHEV problem with the cold
- Wilbert Almodovar on Outlander PHEV problem with the cold
- sekar on Remote app does not work with samsung S6
- Jerry on Remote app does not work with samsung S6
- Tapio Vihuri on Outlander PHEV problem with the cold
I’m driving the “old” 2013 PHEV model in the Netherlands.
I’m using the Samsung S6 with App for moths without any problems.
I’ don’t know if there is a significant difference between the Dutch and Swedish phone.
But I suspect the problem is something else.
There are only two devices allowed to connect to the car.
If you have already connected two different devices to your car it is necessary to remove these before connecting your new phone.
Here you can find the procedures to do that
Yes I am aware of the fact that you can only connect two devices. I have also tried to reset the wifi, no luck. The mitsubishi garage also failed to connect the app.
But I know that there are Outlander owner who have been able to connect the app to the phone, however they all own the “old” outlander phev.
Thanks for the suggestions anyway.
I own a Samsung S6 edge + and same here, its not working with my 2015 (old model) Outlander. Perhaps WHB can tell us which model (PHEV) he has and if he did anything special to connect the two.
-which exact model Samsung S6 do you have?
-Which model outlander do you have?
-Did you do anything special during the connection proces?
Hi, nice blog I recently got my PHEV 13-01-2016 so I find alot of similarities to the things you are reffering to. However I was confused by your statement “If you have a 16A charger it will charge at the same rate as the pre-heater uses battery” In my owners book it states that the battery max effect is in fact 10A. Can you confirm this with some reference on the internet? As my dealership I noticed are not very knowledgable when it comes to the technical details of this car.
Hi Tyrone
Glad you like my blog. Regarding the 10 A charge. I base it one the fact that when I use the 10A charger at the same time that I use the pre-heater, the charger still charges after I have stopped the pre-heater. The battery was fully charged when I started the pre-heater. If the 10 A charger was to keep up with the loss of power when pre-heating it would not have to charge when the pre-heating is finished. When I use the 16 a charger it does´nt need to charge once the pre-heat has stopped.I believe I read it somewhere on the internet also but I cant confirm it.
What version af Android are you using in the phone placed in the car? I have the 6.0.1 installed in my Nexus and I saw that this could be a problem if I want to use the Outlander PHEV SMS Remote app.
I am in the uK and am suffering exactly the same problem with a Sony Xperia C1905.
Dealer has tried for 2 hours to connect and cannot do it. At my request the Dealer contacted nearly two weeks ago and they have not had the courtesy to even reply.
Hi Anders
Yes I´m aware of that and I am also using that app. I have a bog post about that app also.
I just received my Phev with the same phone problem. (Nexus 5). The only phone I got to work so far is an old Nexus 4, but with that I can’t update the firmware in the car. Fortunately for me I decided from the beginning to have a Webasto installed with Sim card. So now I can get a heated car, but I need to do it with the ICE witch is a bit sad.
Try this solution for pairing your phone. It has helped a lot of people that earlier were having problems pairing their phones to the car.
I have the same problem with my Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge and 2014 Outlander PHEV. I had two phones registered but ran the delete process and now there are none registered. But I end up with same failure when trying to register with S7. My old Samsung Galaxy Note 4 works fine though.
Did you try this trick for pairing your phone? It has worked for some people.

Thank you. Thus actually worked with my Note7. Or almost. I first started remote control app then switched to Wi-Fi and connected to my car and answered yes to stay connected. Then back to remote control. It then connected and now works.
Glad it worked out for you!
Thank you Peter! This tip worked out for me!
I haven’t had any issues with my previous Xperia Z3 compact but my new Xperia X compact refused to register. I chose the car network but did NOT enter the password. Then I went through the registration process as intended and it finally worked!
An odd thing is that it now works a bit differently (but to me better) than before, I used to have to connect to the cars WiFi and then operate the app. Now, since I haven’t entered the password, I start the app and that connects to the car network…
Thank you again! I have spent several hours with this issue and so has my local dealer…
Hi Roger.
I have bought a new Galaxy S7 Edge and have Outlander 2016 with 2015 software.
So, the App does not work, it can’t register.
Have you solved the problem? Or using @nd cheap smartphone for controlling the car?
Thanks for answer in advance.
I did it.
I used Grafikstudion’s method for canceling WiFi connection out of app.
Samsung Galaxy S7 edge is compatible with app.
Conclusion; The app MUST establish WiFi connection first time.
Thanks to all.
I want to install the ‘ Start the pre heater with Text message’ ap and phone but need some help as I am not technical.
Has anyone in the UK done this?
Maybe the battery cannot operate efficiently or goes into safe mode below -20c. Does the battery have temperature management? Perhaps it needs to be heated or charging (which would also warm the battery) if the temperature is too low.
It can be so that it goes in to safe mode, I don´t know how it works, it might have a temperature mangement but there is no display for it.
Okay guys, after many attempts I thought I give it one more try after months of frustration and gues what I finaly sorted it out.
My Outlander model 2015 (old) is now connected to my Samsung S7edge.
I’ll write down exactly what I did.
Before starting the app, I connected my phone with the car’s Wi-Fi. Started the app, tried to connect the way it should be and it failed. Then opened the app again, I shut down Wi-Fi on my phone, started the procedure again. Tried to connect with the Wi-Fi off and then suddenly it starts connecting!! I’ll post an update soon perhaps with a YouTube video.
I’ve got a 2017 Outlander and i still can’t get the app to work with either my galaxy s6 edge or my iPad following the advice above I got closer than I have before with phone it actually starts initialising but at the end of it it still comes up registration incomplete try again, can’t get any further. The iPad gets nowhere near this the app registration doesn’t do anything
Any advice
I have a 2017 Outlander and I’ve been struggling since start of March to get this app working on my galaxy s6 and my iPad. I stumbled across a website today that told me that there are two versions of this app, Outlander phev is for the manual handbrake version and Outlander phev II is for the electronic handbrake version, I changed to the correct app and both devices registered straight away without any problems, pity Mitsubishi don’t tell you that there are two versions of the app.
My 2017 piev does the same at -20 i live in Norway and. EV mode not available at -20
The manual states that with temperatures below -15C the battery output is restricted and the generator needs to supplement power. At -30C the battery output is disabled. It does try to heat up the battery while on generator power.
Recently here in Finland was quite cold too, like below -25 ºC during the night. I get the same phenomenon too. With full battery no EV ride.
Then the EV range didn’t come back even during a day with -10 ºC or so. After installing the EvBatMon it reported that the coldest battery cell temperature was still -15 ºC. Today was so much warmer and waiting long enough the cell temperature rose to the -10 ºC and voila, the EV range was there again. My car is the MY 2014, so early model.
Let’s see, next night should be well below -20 ºC again but now I timed the charging during the night. Maybe it will keep the battery warm enough.
If the threshold for the battery is really -10 ºC, then we are in troubles at really cold weather. Of course, driving and charging keep the battery much warmer than ambient temperature, but if the vehicle is unused long enough, then there is no way enable battery than take the car to the warm.
This is a shame, as warming lithium battery is kind of built-in, the internal resistance rise heavily in cold and all you need to do is discharge it with low current. Low enough not to break it but warm gently and internal resistance get back to normal.
Like the use of an electric heater or something…
But they do not design these vehicles for poor peoples at the north 😉 There was once a guy who aimed to design cars for northern exposure, but not anymore… 😉
I have been struggling with the same problem. I’ve got a Samsung S8 and Outlander PHEV 2015. I hope someone succeeded in solving this problem in combination with the Samsung S8.
i am unable to use remote access app samsung s7 with Mitsubishi out lander 2018 model. any advice please? Thanks in advance
Hi, i also experience these symptoms, and the lowest temperature here is around 35F. I can force EV, but if i go into cruise mode and EV is turned off, engine will inmediately turn on and i will see a decrease in mpg from my average of 80mpg for my 42 mile commute, to about 50mpg. This still happens even using the ECO mode. When i just leave the charging station, braking doesnt regenerate until about 1 mile of driving.
Had the same issue today with my 2018 PHEV Outlander. -20 C error immediately “EV system requires service” only the ICE worked the whole trip. Surely the battery must have been warmed enough after 20 minutes? But no. . Yellow warning lights everywhere. Disappointing. The idea was that on cold days the EV would be far more efficient than the ICE. That is obviously not a Pro.